Michael Denny

Personal Finance Friday - 2020 Stock Market Crash!

Michael Denny

Will there be stock market crash in 2020?!?!



Someone contacted me this week, saying they had a person in a class they were in predict a market crash near the beginning of next year. This was a financial "professional"... anyone who says something is for sure going to happen in the market is either a liar, or stupid. This person may get lucky and be right, but as part of my job I'm reading expert opinions all day long, many people have predicted crashes over the last few years and it just hasn't happened. I personally am very nervous about where the market is, but I would never give a time frame when something will occur.

In general, people like a confident person, and they will follow a confident person even after they are proven wrong over and over. People don't like answers like "well it depends", or "maybe" lol :) But people who give you those answers are being thoughtful, and more likely to be steering you in the right direction.

These posts are about putting that thought into people's heads. I have no illusions about these ever being more than just me sharing with my friends and family, because in the end, I'm doing my best to be honest, humble and tell the truth as I know it. And nobody likes that, people want the hype, the prediction, the exact direction they should go.

I give a lot of credit to the person who reached out to me about this, they know to ask for second opinions and get input from several sources. Everyone should do the same!